
Megahertz Hannover is a monthly meeting for all woman and those who identify as Genderqueer, Nonbinary or Trans organized by the CCC Hannover;

Once a month, the CCC Hannover is reserved for us. We meet there at 7PM on the first Monday each month. (Map; take the elevator to the third level).

If you consider yourself to be at-risk regarding covid, but you also cannot afford expensive masks, please send me a note; I will provide you with a FFP3-mask for self-protection.

Date: 2024-07-08 (Monday, 8th of July) 19:00
Second Monday of the month this time!
Location: Leitstelle 511 - Chaos Computer Club Hannover e.V.
   c/o Stadteilzentrum Nordstadt / Bürgerschule
   Klaus-Müller-Kilian-Weg 2 (ehemals Schaufelder Str. 30)
   30167 Hannover
Who: FLINTA (Women, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-Binary, Trans, Agender)
Topic: BYOT (Bring your own topic)
Covid: Triple-vaccination (fully vaccinated), no symptoms, masking optional

We want to create a space that allows us to code, hack stuff, learn, solder, do anything and everything that relates to technology. We are welcome to anyone who identifies as a woman; regardless of skill. Just visit us.

Most of the meeting is probably going to be in German, but there is no prescribed language.